Request a Quote

Thank you for your interest in our company! To get started, fill out the form below, using a current email address, and one of our event specialists will get in touch to iron out all the details within 2 business days via email. You can also 'favorite' your desired items throughout the site for a more tailored and personalized quote. Please note filling out this request does not guarantee availability of product or services.

If you are submitting a request after 12pm Thursday please note that it may not be until early the following week that we are back in touch so we can focus on appointments and events over the weekend. We will be in touch as soon as possible and thank you for your patience! If you do not hear back by end of day Tuesday the following week please email and let us know.

Questions? Call 843.766.3366 (Mon–Fri 9AM–5PM) OR send us an email at

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